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“Remember: Don't forget to order a new planner each year”


VSM Limited would like to express their gratitude to the following people and companies for their assitance with EasiPlanner - Thank You.

Lesley Stubbing : Independent Sheep Consultant, for all her advice and technical input.

Chris Lewis MRCVS : For the image of the lame sheep.

Innovis / FECPAK : For the images for monitoring worm egg counts :

The InDzine Team : For the concerted effort, professionalism to design of this website :

Pat Ramsden of Fish4Creative : For his patience and professional advice design and high standards with all the artwork required :

NADISlogo.gifNADIS - National Animal Disease Information Service - NADIS is a network of 60 veterinary practices and 6 veterinary colleges monitoring diseases in cattle, sheep and pigs in the UK  :


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